“In a world constantly inundating us with marketing for things that will make feel “like ourselves” we want to propose a new way of taking care of ourselves. ”
Over the years, we’ve worked hard to find ways to build habits that are now the building blocks to managing what it means to be alive in the modern world. We took our experience in building business systems and applied it to building a system to manage our health and our kitchens.
In this workshop you will learn about the following:
Becoming aware of your body and why it’s important. Why is everyone around us sick and exhausted? The reason we have become this way is because the whole time we were getting sick, our bodies were trying to tell us, and we ignored them. It’s not something that was done on purpose because simply put, we live in our minds, and it makes us ignore all the signs that our bodies are trying to tell us. We’ll cover how to put certain habits in place that cover making sure you are checking in with your body.
Our Current State Of Affairs: What happened above didn’t just happen by chance. The life and society we live in are designed to create health crises and whether this was done on purpose isn’t the point. The point is to identify how we strayed from past traditions and what we have to do to get back there.
Why We Can Teach This Class. Becoming your strongest self takes a lot of work, effort and dedication but most importantly it takes organization. Think back to the time of the tribe. People couldn’t just lounge around all day and think they’d have food throughout winter. They had to be organized and this is what we’ve been keeping in mind when creating the habits and routines we want to talk about.
What You’ll Learn. How to figure out what you want, need and why these are important to you. We will also help you outline a routine that will cover the following:
Building a morning, daytime and nighttime routine.
How to release tension in your body and face (with exercise & massage) and habits that keep you present.
How to organize your time for self-care and how to keep your body active for the right reasons.
Building healthy eating habits that involve eating undistracted, chewing your food and eating from scratch and in season.
How to detox toxins from your life.
How to keep track of your mind, emotions and your wellbeing.
When & Where:
April 3 | 6:30pm - 8:00 pm | Location TBC
$10 and this includes the Local Goods Company Life & Food Planner which which helps you manage your health.
What You Need To Provide:
Your attention span and willingness to learn.