Wellbeing & cooking events

What We’re Planning For Squamish

Upcoming workshops

knowledge is the foundation of health

Workshop themes

  • Online Grocery Shopping Squamish

    Habits & Organzation

    We’ll provide an overview of what inspired us to create our tool and the daily habits we practice to manage our health.

  • Organic Food Delivery Squamish

    Gut Health & Lifestyle

    odern living affects our gut and health more than we realize. We’ll explore what impacts the gut and how to manage stressors.

  • Herbs & Nutrition

    Herbs & Nutrition

    We hold great power in how we manage our health, and we have so much access to what we need right in our community.

  • Bulk Cooking

    Our workshops send you home with bulk foods and snacks to freeze, stocking your pantry for months.

  • Gardening

    Growing food, even simple herbs on a windowsill, is a great way to start incorporating locally grown into your meals.